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Message from the Mayor

March 13 2025

Mayor’s Update – February 2025

March is here, and we’ve been enjoying some great weather. However, the thaw has revealed potholes on our streets and highlighted drainage issues that commonly arise in the spring. We are aware of these concerns and will address them as soon as conditions allow. Unfortunately, remedial work cannot begin until the thaw is complete. That said, while spring is on the horizon, we do expect some resistance from Old Man Winter—I haven’t put my snow shovels away just yet!

Community Updates

  • Summer sports registration, Keep an eye on local social media for details on how to sign up for your sport of choice.
  • The Lashburn Golf Club will hold its AGM on March 26th at 7:00 PM. This is a great opportunity to learn about their plans for the 2025 season.

Council Updates

Council has been busy with several important initiatives:

  • We have implemented a safety policy for the town’s crew and contractors to ensure all work is conducted safely and efficiently. This policy also applies to volunteers and board members working on town buildings and recreational facilities. We will be rolling this out to our various boards soon, and I would like to attend your next board meeting to discuss it in detail.
  • We are finalizing an Emergency Response Plan (ERP)—an initiative started by the previous council. Both the safety policy and ERP are key steps in ensuring preparedness and security for our community.
  • Our first asset management meeting has taken place. This process will guide us toward developing a long-term capital budget, allowing us to plan future spending based on data. The asset plan will also help shape a strategic economic development plan to support sustainable growth. This will take time, but it will play a crucial role in maintaining and improving our streets, water systems, parks, and public buildings through structured financial planning.
  • Residents of Tighnduin have passed a motion in favor of appointing a local board to oversee the operation of Tighnduin Homes, as provided by the Saskatchewan Housing Authority. A nominations committee will be established following Saskatchewan Housing guidelines, and nominations will be accepted in mid-March. Nomination forms will be available at the Town of Lashburn office, and I anticipate the process will be completed by the end of the month.

As always, I appreciate your engagement and look forward to working together for the continued betterment of our community.

Mayor Jim Krissa
